5 ways PIF Manager simplifies data management

5 ways PIF Manager simplifies data management

There’s a lot of buzz about the new PIF V6, but I’m always keen to hear our customers talk in their own words about exactly how PIF V6 and PIF Manager™ are adding value to their business. We recently chatted to Kieren Brown, Managing Director at Ananda Food,...

Right from the start

Right from the start

Peter Blinco is Director at Bizcaps  What drives you? From its origins when I founded Bizcaps 14 years ago, right through to now, I see a clear need in the marketplace for tools to help businesses maintain and exchange product data. I see this need continuing into the...

Data mastery: a firm foundation for business

Data mastery: a firm foundation for business

You know how quickly your business environment changes, and you certainly know how each month seems to bring news of yet another requirement for how you share and manage product data, from your trading partners or from Government regulations. What isn’t so clear is...

3 reasons why it pays to move to PIF V6

3 reasons why it pays to move to PIF V6

Efficiencies aren’t often completely free – but the good ones pay for themselves quickly, then go on to save you time and money for years. Given that there is some initial outlay involved in moving from PIF V5 to PIF V6, you need to know why you should make the leap....

Superheroes need lunch too

Superheroes need lunch too

Annadurai Krishnan is Technical Lead at Bizcaps   What keeps you going professionally? The very cool thing about Bizcaps is how friendly it is. I look forward to coming into the office. It’s a fun environment to work in – and that gives the team a productive edge. I...

PIF V6.0: The top 5 questions people ask

PIF V6.0: The top 5 questions people ask

PIF V6.0: The top 5 questions people ask by Dianna Gustin The new electronic PIF V6.0 is specially designed to banish Excel spreadsheet-based PIFs forever. Created by the food industry to streamline and speed up the whole process of managing and sharing important...

AFGC PIF V6 User Guide now available

AFGC PIF V6 User Guide now available

The critical role PIF V6 is playing in boosting efficiency across the food industry was centre stage at the Australian Food & Grocery Council’s December workshops in Sydney and Melbourne – and it was exciting to meet so many manufacturers and distributors there...

Digital decluttering before it’s too late

Digital decluttering before it’s too late

Anywhere you store and manage things will inevitably become cluttered with obsolete items – whether it’s your spare room with that broken bike and dusty ukelele, the tools in the garage that seemed like a good idea at the time, or your phone with duplicate photos and...

Early to rise

Early to rise

Jane Blinco is Office Manager at Bizcaps (AKA Director of First Impressions) What drives you? I learn new things every day in my role. Technology is amazing and I do love it, but so often something like Wordpress or a spreadsheet won’t do what I want at first. I’m...

From Melbourne to Mars direct

From Melbourne to Mars direct

Bizcaps has powered the very first ePIF™ (PIF V6) portal-to-portal transmission. We’re thrilled to announce that culinary adventurer Langdon Ingredients was the first Australian company to send an ePIF direct from its Bizcaps PIF Manager™ secure portal...

Stand out from the crowd

Stand out from the crowd

Bizcaps’ Master Catalogue Information System (MCIS ™) is the secure and stress-free way to share huge volumes of product and supply chain data – like a vast, powerful corporate kind of Gumtree. And just like on Gumtree, it’s product images and digital assets...

What makes Mikey tick?

What makes Mikey tick?

Mikey Pearce is one of Bizcap’s FlowScribe experts What makes each day interesting? There’s almost no day without a number of different problems to solve – and a range of ways to move forward. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t sit still very well. And at Bizcaps...

Investing in training brings its own rewards

Investing in training brings its own rewards

Gathering and maintaining accurate product data to enable streamlined, efficient and cost-effective trading processes doesn’t happen by magic – but it doesn’t have to be hard work, either. The difference a small investment in training makes is easy to see. We recently...

Business Process Management grows up

Business Process Management grows up

Like Netflix and Facebook, it’s not all that long since Business Process Management software was a brand new thing – but those of us who use it find it hard to imagine how we coped without it. Even though BPM tools are barely out of their teens, they’re maturing...

Wrangling with the details of publishing data

Wrangling with the details of publishing data

Do you have a head for numbers? Did you know that Bizcaps publishes over 1.3 million product and pricing details to the National Product Catalogue each year? This data is associated with 167,000 GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers) used by our customers to uniquely...

Getting suppliers onboard without the heartache

Getting suppliers onboard without the heartache

In any partnership, making sure you’re both on the same page is critical. You both want to have access to the same information, and you both need to know it is up to date and complete. Exchange of standardised product data via datapools like GDSN or the NPC is the...

Putting your Support Team to the test

Putting your Support Team to the test

We all know what a difference great support can make when you get stuck troubleshooting a problem or trying to solve a niggling issue. Here are 10 questions to ask when assessing the value-add from your provider’s Support Team or Help Desk: Do they listen without...

Entering product information in any language

Entering product information in any language

You might have already met the latest addition to the Bizcaps family, PIF Manager™, and you may have got wind of its magical ways in liberating food manufacturers from hundreds or thousands of fiddly forms… But did you know our wonder child is also...