Jane Blinco is Office Manager at Bizcaps (AKA Director of First Impressions)
What drives you?
I learn new things every day in my role. Technology is amazing and I do love it, but so often something like WordPress or a spreadsheet won’t do what I want at first. I’m dogged. I won’t let it defeat me. I know there’s an answer in there somewhere. I love mastering new things.
What makes each day interesting?
Now that more and more food manufacturers and distributors are using V6 PIFs, we get loads of calls from them. They have buyers demanding ePIFs but often aren’t sure what the next step is. It is so interesting to chat and to understand their challenges.
What do you value?
I value my health. I’m seeing friends hit the milestone birthdays, and I’ve got one coming up too. Good health is not something to take for granted.
How do your clients describe you?
I’d like them to think that I’m happy to help them. My role is all about getting to know our clients and helping point them in the right direction. I really enjoy that and I think our clients know it.
What stops your work from getting boring?
Technology is forever evolving. Just when something seems the same old same old, someone comes up with a way to improve it. I run my whole life on apps these days and I think nothing could be better, but soon they’ll be obsolete and we’ll have something better. Here at Bizcaps everything we do is cloud-based. All our processes are paperless. I’ve set up all new, streamlined business processes and I’m proud of that. It’s fast, secure and good for the environment. Now there’s just one or two others in the office I need to convert!
What would be impossible for you to go without?
I’m a morning person. I’m talking early – like 4.30am! I head into the office around 6.30 and get started on whatever I need to do. My husband and I enjoy working together, but I value this time on my own. When Peter arrives in the city, we meet for a coffee and that’s an essential part of my day.
What are you proud of?
I’m proud of my family and my daughter who is now 26. And I’m proud of my work here, keeping the office running smoothly and as efficiently as possible. Things have changed so much since we started in 2004, even though we have always been cutting edge. The business environment is forever changing and I’m always looking out for new opportunities.