Bizcaps Service Bureau: Outsourced Product Data Management Services

Outsource your product data maintenance, support and data entry – without the overheads

The way in which you gather and maintain product data to share with your trading partners can make a substantial difference to the efficiency and quality of your business operations.

Key challenges to the product data management process include a lack of time, internal resources, and the up-to-date knowledge of GDSN/NPC required to ensure effective product data maintenance.

Our outsourced product data management services provide complete peace of mind, with a comprehensive product data support and maintenance solution for your business.

Product data management services from Bizcaps are ideal for any organisation, large or small, needing to synchronise product and pricing data with trading partners – such as grocery retailers or hospital and healthcare buyers, government agencies – via the GDSN/NPC, UBFs or other electronic buying forms.

The Bizcaps Service Bureau team is experienced in dealing with the intricacies of the GDSN/NPC standards, the processes involved in collecting, maintaining and exchanging product master data, and the unique requirements of your trading partners.

Product Catalogue Data Preparation

Our experienced product data management experts can assist with product catalogue data preparation, whether for tender submissions or publishing product information to the National Product Catalogue (NPC).

Our streamlined data management processes, and secure connection to the NPC/GDSN ensures product data is accurate, complete and authentic.


Key Features of Service Bureau


Managed service for GS1/NPC for data quality management and publishing support


Dedicated team with deep GS1/NPC data standards expertise


Publishing guidance for improving NPC data quality


Advocacy and liaison with GS1 and NPC recipient teams


Fully supported and maintained GS1/NPC publishing solution

Product Data Maintenance

Let us take care of your ongoing product data maintenance requirements, such as product data updates, pricing edits, and item additions, changes or deletions.

By outsourcing your product data maintenance to Bizcaps, you can enjoy the peace of mind that your product information is free of errors, while you’re free to focus on other areas of your business.

For “On Pack” label data (e.g. nutritional and allergen information) maintenance and/or product image presentation and maintenance, see Bureau +

GDSN/NPC Specialists

With extensive experience working with the GDSN/NPC, you can trust Bizcaps to ensure your product data remains compliant with all required standards.

Our product data maintenance and support services allow you to automatically synchronise product data with your trading partners via the GDSN/NPC, as well as other electronic buying forms.

Many thanks for the guidance and help us attain GS1 NPC ready status. The Bizcaps service has been outstanding!.

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare

Our product data management solutions help you use your data more effectively, with services including: 


Product catalogue setup, data preparation, including tender submissions, onboarding and NPC publishing


Ongoing product data maintenance, e.g. product and pricing updates, and product additions, changes or deletions


Adhoc assistance during peak workloads or during staff absences


Product data quality health check


“On Pack” label data (e.g. nutritional and allergen information) maintenance and product image presentation and maintenance



Ensure your business has accurate and authentic supplier information automatically synchronised with your existing systems