The critical role PIF V6 is playing in boosting efficiency across the food industry was centre stage at the Australian Food & Grocery Council’s December workshops in Sydney and Melbourne – and it was exciting to meet so many manufacturers and distributors there and to hear how electronic PIFs are set to ease the demands of regulatory compliance and streamline big data management and product information sharing.
We’ve all been eagerly waiting for the AFGC’s PIF V6 User Guide which was launched at the workshops – click here to download a copy.
The industry is well and truly ready to leverage the benefits PIF V6 brings, and the AFGC presentations emphasised:
- All your PIFs are always up to date
- Recording and reporting product information is now streamlined
- PIF V6s are your one true source of information
- No need for retyping – less errors!
- Information stored in your PIF online portal is searchable
- Secure sharing within your organisation
- Product and pricing information is up to date and ready for sharing with other applications
PIF V6 is here because of these benefits for the industry – it eases the compliance and data management burden (rather than adding to it – what a welcome change!).
It was developed by the food industry in response to the ever-growing need for information exchange and greater consumer demand for information about food and its production, including its impact on the environment and social wellbeing.
Some of the new areas PIF V6 covers are:
- It accounts for the revised Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, which came into effect on 1 March 2016
- Country of Origin labelling requirements, which came into effect on 1 July 2016
- Nutrition, health and related claims which include Health Star Ratings
- Options for samples, flavours, ingredients and Retail Ready products.
It was great to run some demos and show attendees how easily PIF V6s are generated, exchanged and stored with enhanced security and functionality. Finally, regulatory compliance gets easier and more flexible, and tailoring information to your customer needs is simpler.
If you’d like to organise a demo of PIF Manager™ email me at or give me a call on +61 2 9252 7533.