Chicken Adobo

There are many recipes for Chicken Adobo like this one  These often vary by region and I am sharing my High Street (North Sydney) Chicken Adobo version with you.

Pour some oil into the pan.
Add sliced garlic (1 to 2 heads) until lightly brown. Set aside half of the garlic for garnish.
Add chicken, dried bay leaves, cracked black peppercorns, potatoes cut into wedges and sauce (1 tablespoon of vinegar for every 5 tablespoon of soy sauce depending on your preference, of course).
Wait until it boils. Do not entirely cook the meat.
In a separate pan, fry the meat a little bit until light brown then put the meat back into the sauce.
Add a dash of pineapple juice for tangy flavour.
When it boils, turn off the heat and add the pineapple slices. Serve and enjoy.

I top it with blanched greens and a sliced boiled egg on the side.

Serve and enjoy!

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