Savvy buyers are streamlining line-item tendering
The adoption of the National Product Catalogue (NPC) by major healthcare buying organisations has provided much-needed motivation for suppliers to improve the quality and currency of the product data they keep and disseminate.
Savvy buyers are now taking advantage of a downstream opportunity arising from the NPC, to streamline and improve line-item tendering. Too often, tendering takes place under tight time constraints in an environment where data visibility and quality control is compromised.
Utilising already published NPC data, and supporting NPC compliance, Tender Line Manager™ eliminates data duplication, ensures accuracy and enables synchronicity across jurisdictions – all within expedited timeframes.
Instead of their sourcing teams preparing and distributing worksheet-based tender response forms to potential suppliers, and then manually collating a vast array of product line item data into worksheet-based pricing schedules to pass onto their procurement departments, buyers can access and utilise all the line-item data they need in a single online portal.
For buyers, a centralised portal brings immediate benefits with improved efficiency, consistency, accuracy and timeliness of tender preparation, assessment and award processes.
And suppliers benefit from a standardised mechanism for line-item tendering that accommodates interjurisdictional differences, and replaces seven different jurisdictional tendering systems each with their own format and data requirements.
To find out more contact Glenn Anderson at Bizcaps on 02 9252 7533.