So, you have been asked to publish your product information to NSW Health (and other jurisdictions) via the NPC. What does this mean? What do you need to do?
Sit down, grab a cup of tea and let Bizcaps simplify things for you.
What exactly is the NPC?
The National Product Catalogue (NPC) is a single repository (datapool) of product, pricing and relevant product data, applicable across many industry product categories such as Health, Foodservice, Grocery, Liquor. It is a certified datapool that is part of a global network (the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network [GDSN]). It is a powerful and secure environment that is hosted by GS1 Australia, and securely accessed by Data Recipients (trading partners). GS1 Australia has worked with thousands of members in more than 18 industry sectors to set the GS1 standards.
Why the NPC?
Watch this short video for a good overview.
Who is GS1?
GS1 set and own the standards.
Powered by Bizcaps
On either side of the NPC sits Bizcaps who simplifies the process by tailoring the product information required by each Healthcare Recipient (e.g. Pathology, Theatre Management, Specialised Clinical Areas, Pharmacy, Food Procurement and so on). All the while ensuring you are always NPC-compliant.
Bizcaps also understands where Suppliers (Publishers) source product, packaging and pricing data is coming from, and we map to that data – so you don’t need to enter and maintain another source of the truth. One point of data entry one time only. This ensures there are no data errors, and data is up to date.
Recipients including NSW Health, Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV), ACT Health, QLD Health and NT Health use Bizcaps’ MCIS™ tool to pull down the validated supplier data they need, to synchronise against their contracted items (Data Synchronisation 101). Each recipient is actively working with their suppliers to “onboard” their product information.
Suppliers use Bizcaps certified tools and Service Bureau to facilitate the onboarding process. These simplify and streamline the process of publishing up to the NPC. At Bizcaps we work with suppliers to help identify their product data, their pricing models, who their trading partners are, and then we deliver a tailored and simplified data set – simplifying the NPC publishing process for them.
What do you need to do?
1. Define which products you need to publish up?
2. Which Trading Partner/s will you be publishing to?
3. Get your pricing together
4. Make sure all of your product packaging levels have GTINs
5. Define your required data set (or let Bizcaps define and tailor your data set for you)
6. Consider a Bizcaps’ Data Workshop to help you define where the data resides internally
7. Decide how you will publish that data to the NPC:
a. Manual data entry
b. Extraction from your source system
c. Integration
d. A mix of the above
8. Build your product catalogue
9. Publish and obtain NPC certification
10. Maintain.
Onboarding done. Easy.