With over 320,000 products and more than 440 suppliers listed on the National Product Catalogue (NPC), this is the single source of master data for all healthcare organisations, no matter what their size. This creates a level playing field for SMEs, with their products now visible to all major buyers.

Small to medium (SME) healthcare suppliers and buyers invariably confront the same procurement issues as their larger counterparts. Accurate and standardised identification of products, bar coding and the NPC are essential elements in driving improved sales and efficiency throughout the SME healthcare supply chain.

5 reasons why the NPC makes good SME business sense:

  1. Reduces the misidentification of medications and medical products
  2. Improves the identification and replacement of flawed, out-of-date or missing stock
  3. Offers precise product tracking and improves product recalls
  4. Increases the speed to market for new products
  5. Slashes order and invoice errors and invoice claims

Compared to manual preparation, SME’s report finding web-based tools dramatically simplify the creation, validation, maintenance and synchronisation of NPC product and pricing data in accordance with trading partner requirements.

Publishing product data to the NPC is a growing business imperative and increasingly the preferred method for healthcare distributors and buyers to download product information and synchronise that data with their purchasing and ERP systems.

Bizcaps Software enables SME healthcare suppliers and buyers to quickly and securely enable electronic trading (EDI) through the exchange of standardised information such as purchase orders and invoices. This dramatically improves procurement processes and patient safety by ensuring the right products are purchased at the right price, and delivered at the right time and place.

Bizcaps has extensive experience in the healthcare sector. Bizcaps is an alliance partner of GS1 in both Australia and New Zealand and Bizcaps DataSync and Bizcaps Enterprise product data management software simplifies the publishing of product information to GDSN-compliant datapools such as the NPC (National Product Catalogue) in Australia and the DHBNC in NZ.